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Frequently Asked Questions

Membership is open to any organization that is actively engaged or would like to be engaged in rabies control. Membership enables an organization to benefit from our strong network of experts and practitioners. Individuals who are interested in rabies control are very welcome to sign up for our webinars and our annual stakeholder meeting. Please use the Contact form to find out more.

No. Membership is free to eligible organisations. For more information, please go to Become a UAR Forum Member.

Please see the Rabies Roadmap as a starting point for rabies control planning.

Try the Open WHO course Rabies & One Health: From basics to cross-sectoral action to stop human rabies deaths on our Events and Courses page. It’s free, and you can study at your own pace.

Good quality data about human and animal rabies cases is essential to the development of any effective control strategy. Rabies cases should be reported to the public health authorities and Chief Veterinary Officer in your country. Contact us via our Contact form if you are not sure how to report rabies cases.

United Against Rabies Forum is not a grant-making organisation so we cannot support your organisation with funds. However, the Rabies Roadmap shows how to develop quality rabies control plans that are more likely to be eligible for domestic and external funding.

Contact us

Send us a message and get in touch.

Happy African woman and dog

How to join

Rabies is a disease we can beat – if we work together! Will you join us?